李友国 博士 教授 博士生导师
1984-1988 武汉大学生物系 细胞生物学,学士学位
1988-1991 武汉大学 生物系细胞生物学,硕士学位
1997-2000 维多利亚老品牌vic3308 生科院,博士学位
1991-1994 维多利亚老品牌vic3308土壤农业化学系,微生物学教研室任教
1994-2001 维多利亚老品牌vic3308生科院,微生物学教研室任教,2000年获微生物学博士学位,聘为副教授
2001-2001 荷兰Wageningen大学微生物分子生态学实验室,访问学者
2002-2005 英国East Anglia大学生命科学院,博士后研究
2005-现在 农业微生物国家重点实验室PI,2007年聘为教授和博士生导师
1. Jianyun Wang, Zaiyong Si, Fang Li, Xiaobo Xiong, Lei Lei, Fuli Xie, Dasong Chen, Yixing Li*, Youguo Li* (2015). A purple acid phosphatase plays a role in nodule formation and nitrogen fixation in Astragalus sinicus. Plant Molecular Biology, 88 (6): 515-29.
2. Lei, L., L. Chen, X. Shi, Y. Li, J. Wang, D. Chen, F. Xie and Y. Li* (2014). A nodule-specific lipid transfer protein AsE246 participates in transport of plant-synthesized lipids to symbiosome membrane and is essential for nodule organogenesis in Chinese milk vetch. Plant Physiol 164 (2): 1045-1058.
3. Shanming Wang, Baohai Hao, Jiarui Li, Jieli Peng, Fuli Xie, Xinyin Zhao, Christian Frech, Nansheng Chen*, Binguang Ma*, Youguo Li* (2014). Whole-genome sequencing of Mesorhizobium huakuii 7653R provides molecular insights into host specificity and symbiosis island dynamics. BMC Genomics, 15: 440.
4. Peng, J., B. Hao, L. Liu, S. Wang, B. Ma, Y. Yang, F. Xie and Y. Li* (2014). RNA-Seq and Microarrays Analyses Reveal Global Differential Transcriptomes of Mesorhizobium huakuii 7653R between Bacteroids and Free-Living Cells. PLoS One 9 (4): e93626.
5. Yixing Li, Lei Zhou, Youguo Li*, Dasong Chen, Xuejuan Tan, Lei Lei and Junchu Zhou* (2008). A nodule-specific plant cysteine proteinase, AsNODF32, is involved in nodule senescence and nitrogen fixation activity of the green manure legume Astragalus sinicus. New Phytologist, 180: 185-192.
6. Jiang Ke Yang, Tian Ying Yuan, Wei Tao Zhang, Jun Chu Zhou, You Guo Li* (2008). Polyphasic characterization of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) rhizobia from different geographical regions of China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40: 1681-1688.
7. Jonathan D. Todd, Rachel Rogers, You Guo Li, Margaret Wexler, Philip L. Bond, Lei Sun, Andrew R. J. Curson, Gill Malin, Michael Steinke, Andrew W. B. Johnston (2007). Structural and Regulatory Genes Required to Make the Gas Dimethyl Sulfide in Bacteria. Science, Vol. 315: 666-669.
8. Y. Li, M. Wexler, D. J. Richardson, P. L. Bond and A. W. B. Johnston (2005). Screening a Wide Host-range, Waste-water Metagenomic Library in Tryptophan Auxotrophs of Rhizobium leguminosarum and of Escherichia coli Reveals Different Classes of Cloned trp Genes. Environmental Microbiology, 7(12), 1927-1936.
9. A.W.B.Johnston, Youguo Li and Lesley Ogilvie (2005). Metagenomic Marine Nitrogen Fixation - Feast or Famine? Trends in Microbiology, 13(9): 416-420.
Email: youguoli@mail.hzau.edu.cn